Northern Kentucky Golden Hour Portraits

Golden hour is the term used to describe the time of day when the sun is low in the sky, usually within an hour after sunrise or before sunset. It is called golden hour because the light has a warm, golden hue that creates a flattering and soft glow on the subjects of photography. Golden …

Scattered Pictures

Sometimes I just get my pictures out just to look at them.  I have a very personal relationship with the prints that I’ve inherited over the years.  I now have in my position what I think might be one of the most extensive photographic archives of our family in existence and believe me, I’m honored …

From boys to men

Step into the world of a young man on the cusp of his future in a captivating boys’ senior portrait session. In this enchanting experience, we witness a celebration of individuality, strength, and the exciting possibilities that lie ahead. As the shutter clicks and the camera captures each carefully chosen pose, we embark on a …

FileFlow for our Apple and Android clients!

Hey there! Are you tired of scrolling through your camera roll, trying to find that one perfect shot? Do you wish there was an easier way to organize and share your photos? Look no further than FileFlow by PhotoShelter! As someone who loves photography, I know how important it is to have a system for …

I just can’t wait to pass down file number 123987.jepg to my grandchildren…

In our business, the point is to provide ongoing emotional value to our clients. Their happiness is our happiness!

The Art of the Family Portrait Session

It’s that time of year again! Family portrait sessions are a popular way to get a lot of value from your portrait provider and come away with a unique experience that is tailored to your specific needs and style! The Jordan Photography way of doing things is something that we put a lot of time …

The scribbles on the back

Our documents are important tools for passing along our story. There is a certain number of you who will read this, Immediately refer to the back of your family portraits and either be relieved at the sight of a little note telling the reader about the people in the photo… then there are those of you that will have to rectify the situation ON THE SPOT! 🙂

Choosing the Right Last-Minute Wedding Photographer

Your wedding photographer should wear many hats. Lets start a conversation today about how we can take care of you on the day of!

The value of symbolism

Something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue. A classic wedding day poem that reminds us in a hand full of words the importance of symbolism on a wedding day. Some brides might be wearing a family heirloom on their dress or the dress of a loved one all together.  Each celebration is as …

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