Golden hour is the term used to describe the time of day when the sun is low in the sky, usually within an hour after sunrise or before sunset. It is called golden hour because the light has a warm, golden hue that creates a flattering and soft glow on the subjects of photography. Golden hour portraits are one of the most popular types of photography because they can capture the natural beauty and emotion of the people in a stunning way.

Golden hour at Pioneer Park in Northern Kentucy is 2nd to none!

There are many benefits of taking portraits during golden hour, such as:

The light is diffused and directional, which means it can create interesting shadows and highlights on the face and body, enhancing the features and expressions of the subjects.
The light is warm and colorful, which can create a romantic and dreamy mood for the portraits. The colors can also complement the skin tones and hair colors of the subjects, making them look more attractive.
The light is soft and gentle, which can reduce the harsh contrast and glare that can occur during midday sun. This can also help to avoid squinting and blinking, which can ruin a portrait.
To take advantage of golden hour portraits, there are some things that our experience will play in your favor, such as:

Plan ahead and check the weather and sunrise/sunset times for the location. Golden hour can vary depending on the season, so it is important to know when it will happen.
Use an off-camera flash avoid camera shake and blur. Golden hour light can be dim, which means slower shutter speeds and higher ISOs may be needed.
We will experiment with different angles and perspectives to capture the sun in different ways. For example, backlighting can create a silhouette effect, while front lighting can create a halo effect.
Golden hour portraits are a great way to showcase the beauty and personality of the subjects in a natural and artistic way. By using the right techniques and timing, photographers can create stunning portraits that will impress their clients and viewers.

Fall senior portraits in the Northern Kentucky evening golden hour with Erin! Where else would you want to be?!

Golden hour is a special thing, indeed! The natural elements provided by mother nature make for a wonderfully lit portrait. We welcome a collaboration with you and your family in the near future. 🙂


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