Becky and her Grandpa

When we first met Becky just about a year before her wedding day we could tell right away she was kind, patient and genuine.  It came as no surprise to us that she is a school teacher and has dedicated her professional life to learning and sharing… to trying to make those around her better by passing along what she knows.  As we talked about her and Matt’s plans for their wedding day it became more and more clear to us what our roll would be. Our job on that day would be to be in the right place at the right time and to document the interactions between them and the most valuable people in their lives!  There were so many tender moments!

 This particular moment stands out to me as one of the most powerful I’ve been witness to in my time as a wedding photographer so far.  Becky’s grand dad sat patiently out side her dressing room, twiddling his thumbs, nodding and smiling to the passers by. Small talking with some but mostly just waiting patiently to have a few minutes with the bride to be before she walked down the aisle.  He had a note for her. They spoke softly to one another, far enough away from everyone so that they were the only ones who could hear and after he said some things causing her to have to hold back tears of joy he gave here that note. I still wonder what that note might have said but part of me would rather not know exactly.  I’d like to just assume that it’s full of wisdom and stories, of advice and guidance. I’d like to assume that maybe it’s a story about how he met her Grandma and that even though they’ve been married for 55 years, it still feels like the first time he’s seen her every time she walks into a room and that the secret to a long happy marriage is that there isn’t a secret but what you must be is patient, forgiving and have a genuine friendship with your partner.  I’d like to assume that he told her in that note that love the emotion is the fruit of love the verb and as long as you can focus on taking care of one another everything else will fall into place

Allow me to reintroduce myself

Me and my sweet Stella Rae

Hello again, I just wanted to take a moment to reintroduce myself.   My name is Tommy. I’m a husband, dad, son, brother, uncle, nephew and teller of tales! I’m a photographer, lover of nature and have in the past described myself as a neo-hippie.  I think that there is good in everyone and that basically we all want and need the same thing from life. Food, water, and companionship. There’s something about portrait photography that reminds me of who I am and what my purpose is.  It’s thru this medium that I get to scratch all of my itches so to speak. I can really get to know my subjects as a wedding photographer over a period of time before their wedding day which only makes their portraits that much better in the end. This particular discipline of photography also lets me be a photojournalist, childrens portrait photographer and even break out some studio lighting from time to time!  It allows me to be creative, talk to strangers and make new acquaintances and, when I show them the pictures I’ve made of them, I get to see the joy on their faces and have an impact on them… therefore moving the good vibes forward in a way that only art can. To have a camera is a blessing! It is such a powerful tool for connecting with people. There is something in a printed photograph that can only be described as mystical.  I have decided to make it my mission to provide a service to my clients that cause magic in their day-to-day lives!

I’d like to leave you with a task.  I’d like you to give someone you know a picture of someone they love.  It doesn’t need to be big, it just needs to be. I want you to see how good it feels to do what I do for a living. I’m willing to bet that if you can make just that one person smile with a printed picture, then we might just be able to keep the good vibes flowing!  

Bind your tribe!

Me, Charity, Stella, Jacob, Sissy and Leland

Right now I can see my youngest son, he is snuggled into the big chair in the living room wearing his mic and playing Fortnite on his Switch.  My wife is out of sight in more ways than one but I can hear how happy she She’s in her ceramics studio, making things with clay. check out what she’s up to here The radio is on, probably to the Tori Amos station and she is singing at the top of her lungs!  Stella is up stairs, being 5 years old… Maybe playing with the ferret in her doll house. Sissy is recuperating from face surgery (wisdom teeth) and is learning the hard way to take the doctors advice about staying off her feet to let herself heal up. Did you know that you can’t tell 17 year old girls what is best for them?? Who knew?! 🙂 Jacob (now 19) is a scrub-wearing adult (his words, not mine) and  is at work at his sweet new gig at a worldwide dialysis clinic and right now, i’m just sitting here taking it all in and letting it come thru my fingers to my laptop. I have a good life! Brought to me by hard work and tenacity. Not only mine, mind you. It’s come to my attention that success lies with in the groups ability to work toward a common goal. There really is strength in numbers and like my dad so often told me when I was young “birds of a feather flock together” and “you gotta be careful who you hitch your wagon to”  These expressions make more and more sense to me with each passing year.

Theses are just some things I’ve observed this fine spring morning. I hope this post finds you well and and good spirits!


The Power of Print

Think of some of your most fond memories.   Now, of those memories which ones do you have photos of and which ones do you wish you had photos of.  If you’re anything like me the answer is that you don’t have very many good, quality photos of your most precious memories.   Now, what if you had the ability to change this about your wedding day, wouldn’t you? The power that wall art has to brighten your space and remind you of your loved ones every time you pass it is nothing short of awesome!  In today’s high tech, online world Its seems as though we either forget about prints or were never properly introduced to them as a way of connecting with a moment. I see my prints as a time machine of sorts. They can take me right back to that wonderful moment and as my mind wanders to that time and place, so does my mood!   So with that, let me make a suggestion. The next time you have a chance, get your wedding album out. If you’re not married then perhaps find a loved one and ask them to tell you about their photos and I’ll bet they are THRILLED to relive that day with you. The getting ready, the ceremony, the PARTY! All of the hugs, laughs and tears of joy right there at your fingertips in a wonderfully crafted photo story that will only become more valuable as time marches on.  Portraits of our tribe are meant to be enjoyed. To have a physical thing to point to and say ‘remember that time when…’ is truly priceless! In short, GET PRINTS! It will make your life better in the long and short term for real!


A very special moment on a very big day!

It’s more than just getting ready…

In the room at the classically elegant Hotel Covington in downtown Covington Kentucky, Stephanie and all of her maids have gathered to share a laugh and a handful of stories. There’s a bite to eat, some drinks to lighten the mood and GIFTS! Moms prince charming might be in the another room but her pride and joy is her first born son and he is right there by her side getting ready right along with her. It’s clear to us that this group is very tight-knit and there are no secrets between them.  Looking back on this photo story brings me joy because I know how important all of the details are on this momentous day! All of the little looks, helping hands, and tears (the result of being overcome with happiness) will forever be a part of Stephanie’s wedding story and we are humbled to get the chance to document this part of the day! When you’re in the moment you might not notice all the details. Charity and I know that it’s the details that set your wedding story apart! So, as you are planning the specifics of your wedding day, don’t count this time as inconsequential.  Think of it as part of the story! The company is the best you will find anywhere on the planet, love and happiness are all around you and in a few short hours you will be marrying the person that completes you… that makes you the best possible you! It’s a time to relax and reflect and to imagine the rest of your life. Some brides have the jitters, others are collected and cool but one thing that they all have in common is the confidence of knowing that today is the day they plant their family tree and get settled in to happily ever after!

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