Personal Picture Monday

Me without a beard 🙂

A long, long time ago in a not so far off land there was a little blonde kid named Tommy. Tommy liked sport coats, had a kitten and lived in a cozy little house with his mom, dad, sister and brother. Everything was peachy-keen! He spent a lot of time playing trucks and riding a big wheel and loved to sing and dance too! Also, I don’t know if you noticed from the picture but he was a bit of a snazzy dresser! (I still like a nice sport coat)

It’s pictures like this one that help me to realize just how important being a portrait photographer is. I’m sure if you asked my mom about this picture it’d send her off on quite a tangent about the way things were and how I used to be… about how my sister and brother would pack me around and my dad was just as proud of me as he could be! What I can’t get over when I see this photo is just how much my little Stella Rae looks like me in the face! I mean it’s uncanny! Then I look in the mirror and wonder where the time went! Another thing I know about this photo is that, if I do my job right as a husband and father, then this photo will be just as valuable to my children and their children as the photos I have of my grand parents are to me. Thanks for reading!


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